“Non Pressure” Roof Cleaning Service
“Non Pressure” Roof Cleaning is the answer. The ugly colors that are staining your roof are moss, lichens or fungus. It is also known as roof algae. This is the main culprit for most of the roof staining in Ireland area. Mainly, you want it removed because it is unsightly and ruining the curb appeal of your property. You also want it removed because it is believed to eat away at your roof.
Our application method is called SOFTWASH. The biocide is mixed with water through a highly accurate chemical injection system. This solution is then pumped into the soft brush by means of a pull-out water column system.
This creates a lather and a soapy wash which gently cleans the substrate for example roof / wall / pathway. The biocide is formulated to hunt out and puncture the cell walls of the algae and fungi.
The algae will die rapidly and the red staining from inside the cells can be seen “bleeding out” within minutes, proving that the product is working.

Red Algae & Green Algae die quickly but if left untreated Algae attracts Black Fungus is very difficult to remove.
Moss grows on the roof, usually the north-facing aspect. Or it can grow on your driveway and paths usually in a dark area under trees or hidden from the sunlight. If there is a heavy covering of moss this needs to be scraped away before applying the biocide. Any remaining moss (in between roof tiles or in cracks) will die when the algae is killed. This will turn brown and be blown away in the wind.
Moss absorbs large amounts of water. This expands in freezing weather and can lift or crack slates/tiles, not properly removed, moss not properly removed will come back next year.When Dirtbgone treat your roof we will apply the biocide using the Softwash system. The biocide goes to work instantly and starts to kill the cause of the problem – algae. A roof treatment can take anywhere from a couple of hours to all day, depending on the size and shape of the roof. The initial effects can be noticed almost immediately as the algae cell walls open and the red / brown colour inside floods out. With the algae dead, the moss will start to die and turn brown. Within two weeks this will be very apparent.Moss will be blown away with the wind or be washed into the gutters by the rain. We usually advise that the gutters are cleaned at this stage so that they don’t get blocked by the dead moss.
The lichens are also now dead, but because they have etched themselves onto the roof, will take longer to disappear. Within two months, the roof will be looking brighter, the moss will be dead and will mostly be blown away. The lichens will be losing their grip and will also be getting washed away with the wind and rain. As a rule of thumb we allow one month per year for the roof to come clean. If your roof is 6 years old, it will take up to 6 months. If it is ten years old it will take 12 months. However, each roof is different and site conditions (overhanging trees, north facing etc) play an important part.
Are our softwashing chemical products fully approved and legal?
Yes, our biocides are fully approved by the Pesticide Registration & Controls Division (PRCD) and the Department of Agriculture and Marine in Ireland, and the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK as meeting all EU health, safety, and environmental protection standards.
Our biocide is applied diluted and is “unclassified” because our formula allows the legal use of very low levels of sodium hypochlorite.
Are our softwash biocides safe for use on building materials?
Yes, When used as directed on the label and following the application instructions, they are safe for all known building materials used in walls, roofs, decking, fencing, and paths – including concrete, tarmac, render, timber, aluminium, and slate.
What uses are our softwashing products intended for?
They treat and control the root cause of unsightly red, black, yellow and green staining on walls, roofs, tarmac, concrete, timber decking & fencing, children’s play areas, tennis courts and paving. This staining is caused by biological growths such as red algae, green algae, black and yellow lichen, mould, and fungi that are not only unsightly but can damage the actual structure of property.
How long does Biocide take to act?
The biocide starts to act immediately and usually begins to show results from 24 hours to 14 days although it can take longer.
The rate of cleansing will vary with every job depending on the prevailing weather, age and thickness of the biological growth, and so on. The cleansing process will continue for several months and is usually complete within a year.
Does Biocide permanently prevent the return of biological growth?
No biocide, or any other treatment, can prevent the eventual return of biological growth. But our softwash biocide has a “residual biocide” effect that means regrowth is massively inhibited. Neither power washing nor bleach offer this residual effect
How long does a softwash treatment by our biocide last before needing re-application?
Self-draining surfaces like rendered walls and roofs will often stay clean for 3 years or more before regrowth requires another treatment.
Horizontal surfaces like patios, decking, drives, and footpaths stay damp longer and so regrowth happens more rapidly. These will usually require an annual or bi-annual treatment to keep the growth under control and the property looking great all year round.
We’ve found that horizontal treated surfaces can look good for a up to two years as long as there is good exposure to wind and sun, and organic matter such as leaves falling from overhanging trees – and flower pots that overflow when it rains – are kept under control.
If organic matter is left on the surface, and sometimes this is unavoidable, a yearly application of softwash biocide will be needed to keep the surfaces perpetually clean.
Is the active ingredient in Acti Wash DDAC (Didecycldimethy-Lammonium Chloride)?
Yes. We have Acti Wash manufactured by a leading European chemical company who have an excellent reputation for working to the very highest quality standards.
There are other sources of this chemical but they are not approved for use by the Irish, the UK, or EU government authorities. They are of inferior quality and may contain impurities that contravene Health and Safety legislation plus open the user to the risk of damaging building materials. Some contain high levels of sulphur and may cause burns, which is obviously a severe Health and Safety hazard.
Insurance companies may not cover the use of unapproved chemicals, which obviously could work out very costly indeed as the contractor would be liable if anything was to go wrong when working on a customer’s property.
But when we use our Biocides, we can rest assured that they come from highly reputable sources, are manufactured to the most stringent standards, and conform to all EU, Irish and UK Health and Safety legislation.

Manual moss
from €350* incl. VAT
(three bedroom bungalow house)

Soft wash
from €250* incl. VAT
(three bedroom bungalow house)

Soft wash
(re apply)
from €200* incl. VAT
(three bedroom bungalow house)
We’r Prodviding Quality
Roofing Services
We are a team of professional and skilled experts in all domestic spheres.
We offer a wide range of services and at the same time we are always glad to help you with any unconventional household needs.
For more information of non pressure roof cleaning for your house in Ballinrobe, Claremorris, Castlebar, Ballina, Balla, Cong, Clonbur, Crossmolina, Westport, Knock, Toormakeady, Tuam, Ballyhaunis, Newport, Swinford, Foxford, Headford please contact on 087 456 66 38 or email info@dirtbgone.eu. We will be happy to provide, no obligation quote.